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Windrush Diaries

Year 6 used their historical research to look further into the experiences of those who arrived in Britain on the‘Empire Windrush’ in 1948. Using a range of historical resources Year 6 put themselves in the place of the brave individuals who were part of this important event in British history; they then created a diary extract detailing these experiences. Below are some excerpts from the children’s written work.

“After several hours, we docked at Tilbury Docks. It was freezing, like ice, whereas back in Jamaica the heat was like a volcano burning your skin. There were more people than in Jamaica. In addition, there were engines roaring, horns blaring and lots of shouting in the street. In London there is a lot more chaos than in Kingston”


“The vibrant bright vision of Kingston, Jamaica sadly faded to grey cloudy views of the monstrous vast city of London. London the mother city! My eyes danced around in my head as I struggled to take in what struggled to take in what was around me. This was my new home. Hear that? My new home! Bewildered and exited, this was a new beginning a new chapter in my life wow only if mom and dad could see me now they would be proud!”


“The memories of the gentle, lapping waves and the beaming hot sun seemed like a distant life and the chill in the air cooled my bare skin However I feel like it was a brand new start ahead of me. I could taste the sea in the air and I found out that there was a job for me in Britain.”


“I was summoned to a deep dark shelter in this random place called the Clapham Underground Station. I knew what was going on now. This shelter was supposed to be an underground bedding room for new people who don’t have a home to live. I thought to myself, Should I be here? Do I deserve this?”


“After several hours we strolled up to this grey building written on it was ‘Deep Shelter’. We went down 178 stairs. They-the British men guiding us-told me I was sleeping on the top bunk and all my belongings go in the small suitcase next to the bed. The air smelt musty, it is cold in here and dark but I have a candle to write this. Someone turned on the radio, at first it was static, then a man asked, “so what do you think about these people arriving?””


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