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Artists' reflections on the project...

Lisa - overall project coordinator and director:

This project has reminded me that when resources are put into creating an ambitious, high-quality, educational experience using the arts - for, about, and performed by community participants - then something truly memorable happens. Congratulations to all who participated in the telling of your remarkable, fascinating hi-story. What an amazing community! Children, interviewees and audience members have all articulated the overwhelmingly positive impact of this project. I hope we can now find an opportunity to tell our important story to a wider audience. West Park Primary School, you have so much of value to say to the rest of the world! It's been a real privilege to work with you.

Purvin - the puppetry maestro:

Year 6, you are great artists! The shadow puppets you made are works of art. I really enjoyed working with you and I hope that I will have the privilege to do so again. I think you should consider a future development of this gem of a performance. I am a great believer in multiculturalism and think that your show carried a vital message – it’s too important to let it fade quickly. You could pass on a profound and much needed insight into the positive nature of diversity - shining a positive light back onto the school which experienced the negative glare of publicity all those years ago…!

Mary - the marvellous musician:

Year 5, I really enjoyed the energy created working with you, and I love the way group singing instantly creates a community of very disparate people - a good model for society in general! The voice/song is such a powerful way of getting a message across in a beautiful way that everyone can relate too. I am going to send the songs to Ms Jones once I have put them into manuscript, so you can continue to sing them in school!

Dawn - the green screen magician:

Year 6, you have used the media technology in the best possible way. You transported the audience to different times and places by mixing old and new images together very effectively. It looked seamless in the show but I know how hard you worked to re-record until it was right and to be confident and resilient in front of the camera. I hope you continue to use this technology to make your voices heard in a positive way in our new digital world. Well done, you all deserve to be very proud of yourselves.

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