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Introducing 'the girl with the umbrella' - Angela Spence!

Year 5 and Year 6 had another fascinating visitor yesterday afternoon: Angela Spence, ex West Park pupil, aged 5 when the school opened in 1967. She features in some black and white archive footage, filmed in February 1968 outside the school gates. Familiar with this film and the captivating girl in it, the children greeted her as 'the girl with the umbrella'.

Angela talked to the children about her parents coming over from Jamaica before she was born, about growing up in multicultural Whitmore Reans with her brothers and sister, her lifelong interest in Education, her passion for travelling, and of course, about her memories of being at the school...and more. "What's your job?" asked Isaac. We learned that Angela currently wears several hats: she is a magistrate, the director of two businesses and a governor of the University of Wolverhampton.

The questions came thick and fast: "What impact did Enoch Powell's speech have on you?" asked Maria; "When did you start growing your locks?" asked Tynique; "What was your favourite subject at school?" Kacpar asked; "How do you have time to travel when you have so many jobs?" asked Valentinos; "What is your happiest memory of being at this school?" asked Grace. That proved the hardest question of all. Every memory was positive. Miss Brookshaw's English lessons were a particular favourite...but perhaps her happiest memory wasn't just a memory: it was that her closest friends throughout her life and still today were people she met at West Park Primary 50 years ago...

Watch this space on how Angela will cross paths with Years 5 and 6 again soon...!

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