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Wow! Standing ovation by a full house!

Photographs by Jagdish Patel

A packed house, the audience came from London, Leicestershire, Worcestershire, Shrophire...from far and wide, to see our play on Saturday 21st April! They laughed, they cried, they applauded spontaneously throughout, they gave a standing ovation at the end, led by MP Eleanor Smith...and the performers gave their best performance ever of West Park Welcomes The World!

The children of Year 5 and Year 6 plus 20 adult members of the community joined to create a truly memorable experience. The power of theatre was palpable as people's real stories were told by the community from which they stem with such integrity, understanding and skill. Congratulations to all who performed - you were superb!

Thank you West Park Primary School for valuing and investing in the arts in education, for generously opening your doors to strangers to come and witness who you are in this courageous way, and for your commitment to breaking down barriers between people and removing racial prejudice.

Next post: audience feedback.

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